Thursday, April 5, 2012

TIE Blog 2

The students really enjoyed the Voicethread activity. Before they recorded their answers, they were given a worksheet with the prompt, "What do you think would happen if plants did not have roots?" Everyone did a worksheet but not everyone recorded on Voicethread. I chose 8 different students to participate in the Voicethread because we didn't have enough time for everyone. 4 of those students also answered the question "What do you think is the most important part of the plant and why?" They then took the doodle pen and circled the one they chose. They were having trouble with the microphone because if they got too far away you couldn't hear them and if they got too close it was muffled and unclear. I had to show them how to delete and start over a few times but after awhile they got it. Next, time I would post directions for them to follow because they were having to ask me questions while I was helping the other students with their writing. If I had the directions posted for them, I would have been able to eliminate this interruption.

Peer Questions:
1) How can Voicethread be used in positive ways in the classroom?
2) In what ways can you see problems or difficulties using Voicethread in the classroom?
3) How can we incorporate multiple subjects using Voicethread in the classroom?
4) How does using Voicethread enrich the students experiences in the classroom?

TIE Blog 1

The subject we are doing is science and the topic is parts of a plant. The students are going to do a writing assignment thinking about what would happen if certain parts of a plant are missing. They are then going to decide which part they think is the most important.


Blooms and MIs

Lesson Plan