Thursday, April 5, 2012

TIE Blog 2

The students really enjoyed the Voicethread activity. Before they recorded their answers, they were given a worksheet with the prompt, "What do you think would happen if plants did not have roots?" Everyone did a worksheet but not everyone recorded on Voicethread. I chose 8 different students to participate in the Voicethread because we didn't have enough time for everyone. 4 of those students also answered the question "What do you think is the most important part of the plant and why?" They then took the doodle pen and circled the one they chose. They were having trouble with the microphone because if they got too far away you couldn't hear them and if they got too close it was muffled and unclear. I had to show them how to delete and start over a few times but after awhile they got it. Next, time I would post directions for them to follow because they were having to ask me questions while I was helping the other students with their writing. If I had the directions posted for them, I would have been able to eliminate this interruption.

Peer Questions:
1) How can Voicethread be used in positive ways in the classroom?
2) In what ways can you see problems or difficulties using Voicethread in the classroom?
3) How can we incorporate multiple subjects using Voicethread in the classroom?
4) How does using Voicethread enrich the students experiences in the classroom?


  1. I feel that with plently of planning VoiceThread can help a lesson by providing a technological aspect to any lesson. It can be better than PowerPoint because it becomes more interactive and videos can be recorded. Some problems I see with VoiceThread are the time it takes to figure it out and how much time it takes during a lesson. The lesson will last more that 45 mintues if someone decides to use VoiceThread. A lot of planning time will be required as well.

  2. I would think voice thread would become difficult if the students were not taught how to use it prior to the lesson. Showing the students how to use voice thread should be a lesson on its own.

  3. Voicethread can be used in positive ways by invlolving all kinds of subjects and topics. Using this type of technology motivates the students because it is fun for them and if they're having fun they are more likely to pay attention and do their work.

  4. Voicethread can be used to further a students understanding of a subject by using technology. I had problems using voicethread because my students did not have enough computers in the classroom, so they did not all get a chance to participate in the voicethread.

  5. Voicethread can be used positively in the classroom by helping students learn the subject matter because it's more of a visual teaching for them. The only problems with voicethread that could happen is maybe lost of internet connection or like you had said the microphones not working properly. Incorporating multiple subjects by using voicethread could be done easily by finding the right type of activities that can be joined together. Any type of technology use in the classroom is beneficial for the students since our world is moving faster into the technological aspects.

  6. I think yours is a great example of combining multiple content areas. Your students learned science and they had language arts activities to go with it. Mine combined social studies and music. You also had beautiful pictures in your VoiceThread. Perhaps you could incorporate art also by having them draw their own flowers/plants?

  7. Incorporating voicethread in the classroom helps students learn to use technology, and they will be more engaged than when they are only doing worksheets. We have all seen how excited the students are when they are able to use technology to learn. You can almost always include some language arts when teaching any content area by having them read or write about the subject.

  8. Good reflection, Margaret. Yes, students do need a checklist poster or handout when replying to the VoiceThread, as mentioned in ETEC 3100 sessions and especially in the "final checklist" review for technical and pedagogical aids.

    You have good components. Just please copy/paste between blog posts to create only TIE Blog 1 (planning) and TIE Blog 2 (VoiceThread embed and reflection).
